Proactive Measures to Protect Your Business Against Hacking Threats

The business world has changed drastically over the last 25 years. In the past, you used to just ensure your business's front and back doors were locked, but now your business is left open to new, unseen threats: cybercriminals. In the same way, you protect your physical business from intruders with physical locks, you need to protect your digital assets from hacking threats because cybercriminals target businesses of all sizes with increasingly sophisticated attacks. These attacks can cause catastrophic consequences, from financial losses to reputational damage. The ever-evolving nature of hacking threats requires business owners in Medford and Spokane to be vigilant in creating cybersecurity defenses — and that might just mean hiring an excellent old watchdog like Adept Networks to keep an eye on everything.

Ransomware attacks are a hacking threat that puts your business at risk.

6 Hacking Threats that Put Your Business at Risk

While old-fashioned robberies haven’t precisely evolved, there seem to be new forms of cybercrime every year. Cybercrime has developed so fast that it is almost a whole job keeping up with the new names — the Ransomware Renaissance, the Internet of things, and advanced persistent threats. And don’t forget the new bully on the block: Artificial Intelligence. It’s easy to keep a good old-fashioned baseball bat behind the desk, but how do you swing at something you can’t even see? The first step, as always, is education, so here are 6 hacking threats you need to keep an eye out for:

1. Ransomware Renaissance:

Ransomware has a resurgence, which some have called the “ransomware renaissance.” A ransomware attack is where a cybercriminal uses software to lock users out of their networks until a hefty fee is paid. With the advent of AI, ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making recovery next to impossible.

2. Device Overload:

When you think of the internet, you probably think of a boxy old computer wired into the wall. Now, we have tons of different mobile devices that are all connected to the internet. While this can be super cool and useful for the tech-minded business owner, it also creates more openings for cybercriminals to sneak in.

3. Invisible Attacks that Never End (APTs):

Characterized by prolonged, unauthorized access to your systems, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are like long-term spies that monitor your systems and wait for opportunities to exploit them. Often, these will use legitimate software to bypass system security.

4. Mobile Menace:

You run most of your business off your cell phone, from late-night emails to early-morning check-ins. But this is another major weakness, which leaves you open to malware, banking trojans, and phishing attacks.

5. Covert Attacks through Supply Chains:

Not only is your business at risk, but your business partners may also be putting you at risk. Cybercriminals can comprise your vendors or service providers, allowing them another point of access.

6. AI: The Game Changer:

Cybercriminals already leverage AI for automated attacks, improved evasion techniques, and even sophisticated social engineering tactics. Luckily, AI can also be used by the good guys since it can help detect threats in real time.

The New Year’s Biggest Hacking Threats


Is the Cloud Safe from Hacking Threats?

As our dependence on the cloud grows for accessing data from any device, anywhere, anytime, we must be aware of the distinct security challenges it brings. Here are some of the biggest cyber threats to your business’s cloud:

  • Data Breaches:

    Breach incidents may result from misconfigurations, weak access controls, or insider threats, emphasizing vigilance. Implementing robust security measures is essential to prevent such breaches and fortify overall cloud cybersecurity.

  • Insider Threats:

    Despite the high level of trust in cloud service providers, businesses are exposed to risks from their own employees. Insider threats encompass intentional data theft, unauthorized access, or unintentional data exposure, underscoring the importance of addressing internal vulnerabilities in cybersecurity strategies.

There are many security challenges with the cloud which could be susceptible to hacking threats if not protected.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: ​

    Adherence to industry-specific regulations is paramount for cloud deployments in regulated industries. This involves addressing obligations related to data residency, privacy, and data protection, necessitating a thorough assessment of provider compliance capabilities.

  • Data Loss and Recovery:

    Cloud outages or disruptions pose the risk of data loss or unavailability, emphasizing the importance of robust data backup and recovery strategies. This involves implementing regular backups, disaster recovery plans, and a comprehensive understanding of provider mechanisms aligned with business needs. And don’t forget: we’re your IT data backup experts in Spokane and Medford.

Safeguard your cybersecurity with employee training.

Steps to Safeguard Your Cyber Security

Navigating your cybersecurity requires a proactive mindset and a strategic approach. Here is a birds-eye overview of 5 steps you can take to safeguard your cybersecurity:

1. Assessment and Prevention:

Conduct a thorough audit to understand your business's IT security landscape. Identify strengths, weaknesses, and critical assets. Strengthen defenses with robust security controls, implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, secure network architecture, and enforcing strong access controls.

2. Detection and Incident Response:

Invest in security monitoring tools, log analysis, and threat intelligence to detect potential security incidents quickly. Develop well-defined incident response procedures to minimize damage and restore normal operations when breaches occur. If you lose your data, don’t worry: we specialize in data backup and recovery.

3. Vulnerability Management:

Regularly assess and test for vulnerabilities in your systems, applications, and network infrastructure. Utilize vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and promptly patch weaknesses, fortifying your defenses against hacking threats.

4. Employee Awareness and Training:

Recognize your workforce as a crucial asset and potential vulnerability. Invest in regular cybersecurity awareness training to educate employees about best practices, social engineering threats, phishing attacks, and the importance of strong passwords. Empower them to recognize and respond effectively to potential threats.

5. Compliance, Data Protection, and Continuous Improvement:

Continuously monitor systems, networks, and user activities, adapting security measures based on emerging threats and evolving best practices.

The Best Thing You Can Do - Choose The Right IT Partner

In the ever-evolving realm of cybersecurity, the best defense often begins with the right partner. Adept Networks in Spokane, WA, and Medford, OR, stands out as the optimal choice, offering IT consulting expertise and a tailored approach to fortifying your business against the myriad threats in the new year. By selecting Adept Networks, you secure not just a service but a dedicated ally committed to ensuring your business remains resilient and protected in the face of evolving cyber challenges.

Let Adept Networks Help your Business Defend Against Cyber Threats

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